At Long Last
I knew it, I knew I would get my way, Shaun and Julie, my two farmed humans have finally let me out for the day. It always works, they just need the right persuasion and I get my way.
Just one thing I'm not happy about though, Jorvik, Barney and Archie came too. We all went off the Ledston Estate for Countryside Live. Its a great day out because we get to teach thousands of school children all about alpacas and our wonderful fleece. The problem with taking my field mates is that Barney is a moaner, from the minute we got there to the minute we left he moaned. It was none stop, I spat at him twice and that didin't shut him up either. The children loved him and his bleating, they thought it was a lovely noise. They hadn't listened to it all day. Jorvik just stood there with that vacant look he has perfected. I call him Your Thick but don't tell him. So that left just Archie and me having a great time. You should see the grass at Ledston, it is thick lush and juciy. I should be okay but I know Archie will have stomach ache later, overeating and over tired.
By the end of the day we estimate there had been about 1000 children through the park. All now know the difference between llamas and alpacas and what can be made from out fantastic fleece. I like the duvets best, after all its my fleece thats the filling.
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